
As a parent, how do I access my child's data?

All Users in our system have a unique UserID. This is used to associate goals, club memberships, payments, photos and much other data to that individual, both now and for the long term.

Each User normally has a single email address. This is used for all email correspondence, which can cover team availability, payment invoices, password resetting etc. - emails which must go to the correct individual. This is why some emails sent from the system seem to be duplicated - they are sent per UserID, not per email address.

Parents normally have the same email address as their children when young, and our system supports this. To access their data, you need to log in as a single individual - there is no 'parent' access.

If a parent's email address is also associated with a child, you will need to log in with UserID + password, not email + password. We suggest you keep your own records of passwords for yourself and your children.

We appreciate that having to log in as separate individuals may be inconvenient, but please note that:

- Most children in our system are also club members; Club Administrators are able to update contact details at any time
- Once a child has their own email address, they are able to log in without any further issues
- We have decided against providing 'parent access' - to manage multiple children - because it would present safeguarding risks if family circumstances change.

Return to support home page Article viewed 2,757 times Created 08 October 2017 Last updated 16 October 2017